15 Meaning of the dreams of seeing cats according to the Complete Book of Java Dreams

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    15 Meaning of the dreams of seeing cats according to the Complete Book of Java Dreams ~ The dream of seeing cats: in reality, the animals of cats have been mixed with human life since time immemorial. Well, the cat animal itself is a type of mammal that eats meat or what we often call carnivores. Old people have used cats to drive away or drive away rodents or other rodents, namely from the stables that store their usual harvest. But times are changing and developing, for now, cats are one of the most popular pets in the world. So, what if there is someone who is sleeping and while he sleeps and dreams of seeing a cat, what does that mean for those who experience it? In this case, we want to explore in depth the meaning of dreams that are more or less related to cats, for that, if you want to know, read the we luggage article below.

    15 Meanings of dreams of seeing cats according to the complete book of the Javanese dream

    1. The meaning of dreams of seeing cats according to book of the Javanese dream

    In fact, someone who is experiencing the dream of seeing a cat means that the person will be facilitated to carry out their business.

    2. Meaning of dreams of seeing a cat in childbirth according to book of the Javanese dream

    Well, it is said that someone who is experiencing the dream of seeing a cat give birth is almost the same as the previous dream, that person will get a fortune that comes constantly.

    3. Meaning of the dreams of seeing kittens according to book of the Javanese dream

    When someone experiences the dream of seeing a kitten, it is a sign that the person in the near future will receive praise from someone.

    4. Meaning of dreams followed by cats according to Islambook of the Javanese dream

    Whoever is experiencing a dream followed by a cat is a sign that the person will like it, including many people, especially the opposite .

    5. Meaning of dreams of seeing cats entering houses according to book of the Javanese dream

    Well, it is said that this dream gives a less pleasant feeling, because the meaning of the dream is the arrival of a news, and this news makes you feel shocked and sad.

    6. Meaning of dreams of seeing a cat in marriage according to book of the Javanese dream

    It is said that someone who is experiencing the dream of seeing a mating cat is a sign that you or your family will have a celebration or a sudden need for your nature, because they were unthinkable in advance.

    7. Meaning of dreams in cat claws

    For those who experience this dream, it is a dream that gives an unfavorable feeling, and according to an interpreter, someone who has a dream in the grip of the cat means that the person will be reproached or ridiculed by others.

    8. Meaning of dreams in teether cats

    Well, this dream is really just a warning or appeal to you, that you should change your attitude that has not been so beautiful for someone.

    9. The meaning of a dream of seeing a cat hit by a vehicle

    An unfavorable feeling, especially for those who experience it, because ancient people still believed in sleep, it is said when someone had the dream of seeing a cat run over by a vehicle, which means that it will face a conflict or problem.

    10. Meaning of dreams in chasing a cat

    In fact, if someone experiences a dream pursued by a cat according to the Book of Primbon, Java means that he will receive pressure from the family, but the pressure is good, but suddenly, the pressure turns to attack his happiness.

    11. Meaning of dreams urinated in cats

    Primbon Javanese's book suggests that Tajo, who has experienced a dream urinated on a cat, means that the person will be visited by an evil spirit or a demon when he is sleeping.

    12. Meaning of dreams given a cat

    Someone who has experienced a dream given or given by a cat according to an interpreter means that he will be given a trust on the part of someone who should be properly protected.

    13. Meaning of cats that catch dreams

    Primbon's Java book mentions that someone who experiences the dream will have bad luck, because your actions are hidden and unknown to the people around you.

    14 Meaning of the dream of a cat attack

    Well, this dream illustrates that now is in a state of unstable conditions and is nervous or the same type, so our advice after reading this rubric should pray before going to sleep to make your dream beautiful.

    15. The meaning of dreams surrounded by cats.

    According to an interpreter, if someone experiences a dream surrounded by cats, it means that you are a role model in a team ~ 15 Meanings of the dreams of seeing cats According to the complete book of dreams of Java, go to the dreams, the meanings of dreams, books of dreams, good dreams, bad dreams, Primbon's Java book, predictions, interpretations of Islam, interpretation of dreams ~ 15-meaning-dream-see-cat-according to Islam -and-Book Primbon-Java-que-complete